
The 22nd ECHONET Forum Report

The 22nd ECHONET Forum was held on February 7th at the Seavans S Building Large Hall and was also streamed exclusively online via YouTube. There was a total of 82 participants, 26 people participated at the venue and 56 people participated online. Also at the venue, Panasonic Holdings Corporation exhibited “Network connectivity verification for IoT” and mui Lab, Inc. exhibited ” mui board 2nd Generation.”
Managing members and general members can watch the presemtation, presentation materials, and product exhibits here (all in Japanese, no simultaneous translation nor subtitles).

The 22nd ECHONET Forum Program

1. Opening Remarks ——————————————————– (Katsuhiko Hiramatu, Representative Director)

2. Special Presentations

“Trends in the Electric Power Sector and New Developments in Utilizing Customer Resources”
                   ———————————– (Dr. Hide Ishii, Waseda University)

3. Presentation “ECHONET Consortium activity report” ———— (Katsuhiko Hiramatu, Representative Director)

4. Technology Introductions by members

4-1 “Introducing LifeAssist2” ————————————————————————— (LIXIL Corporation)
4-2 “About the issues of IPv6 multicast in a home network” ————— (Panasonic Holdings Corporation)

5. FY2024 Business Report

5-1 Steering Committee —————————————- (Ren Sakata, Chairman of Steering Committee)
5-2 Technical Committee —————————– (Takashi Murakami, Chairman of Technical Committee)
5-3 Promotion Committee ————————– (Masato Nagasawa, Chairman of Promotion Committee)

6. Closing Remarks  ———————————————————————– (Kenji Shiraish, Managing Director)


1. Opening Remarks

Katsuhiko Hiramatsu, Representative Director


2. Special Presentations

Trends in the Electric Power Sector and New Developments in Utilizing Customer Resources
Dr. Hideo Ishii, Waseda University


3. Presentation

ECHONET Consortium activity report
Katsuhiko Hiramatsu, Representative Director


4. Technology Introductions by members

4-1 4-1 Introducing LifeAssist2
LIXIL Corporation

4-2 ECHONET Lite compatibility realized by smart remocon
RATOC Systems Inc.


5. FY2024 Business Report

5-1 Steering Committee
Ren Sakata, Chairman of Steering Committee

5-2 Technical Committee
Takashi Murakami, Chairman of Technical Committee

5-3 Promotion Committee
Masato Nagasawa, Chairman of Promotion Committee


6. Closing Remarks

Kenji Shiraishi, Managing Director



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