Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

ECHONET Consortium (hereinafter referred to as “ECHONET”) will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, guidelines and this privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information. Unless otherwise specified, the definitions of terms in this privacy policy shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

2. Acquisition and Utilization of Personal Information

ECHONET will properly acquire personal information such as application for membership, inauguration of committee members or other positions, recruitment, application for newsletter distribution or suspension, download of tools or others, creation of an account to use the service, application for participation in events such as symposiums held by ECHONET, various inquiries to ECHONET, obtaining business cards at exhibitions and/or other events and acquisition of visitor information provided by the exhibition organizer with the consent of the person, and will not acquire personal information by false or other improper means. In addition, ECHONET will not utilize personal information in improper ways such as promoting illegal or unjust acts.

3. Handling of access logs

ECHONET website and its subdomain websites (hereinafter referred to as “the site”) automatically acquire the Internet domain name, IP address, and other information (access log) related to browsing the site. The access log does not contain any personally identifiable information. The access log is used for statistical analysis of the usage status and maintenance of the site and is not used for any other purpose. Cookies (information sent from the server to the user’s browser and stored in the user’s computer to identify the user on the server side) are limited to content aimed at improving usability and does not contain any personal information.
The site uses Google Analytics to collect and analyze access logs. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect access logs, and the collected access logs are managed in accordance with Google’s privacy policy. For the terms of use of Google Analytics and the privacy policy of Google Inc., please see the Google Inc. site.
Google Analytics Terms of Service
Google Privacy Policy

4. Utilization Purposes of personal information

ECHONET will utilize the acquired personal information for the following purposes.

  • Sending enrollment information, newsletters, questionnaires, and other information.
  • Guidance and management of regular general meeting, boards of directors, committees, etc.
  • Providing information about our activities.
  • Information and management of forums, symposiums, exhibitions, etc. that ECHONET sponsors, co-sponsors, or participates in.
  • Responding to questions, consultations and reports received by it.
  • Other consideration and contact regarding our operation.

5. Security Control Action

ECHONET takes the following necessary and appropriate actions for the security control of personal data including preventing the leakage, loss or damage of our handled personal data.

  1. Formulation of basic policy
    Personal information protection rules
  2. Development of discipline regarding the handling of personal data
    Development of basic handling methods when acquiring, using, storing, etc. of personal data (Personal Information Protection Regulations)
  3. Institutional security control measures
    Establishment of personal information protection manager, clarification of his/her roles, confirmation of handling status of personal data by personal information protection manager, etc.
  4. Human security control measures
    Education and training on operations and procedures related to the security management of personal data, pledges on confidentiality and protection of personal information, etc.
  5. Physical security control measures
    Locking the storage area when managing personal data on paper media, setting passwords when managing personal data on electronic media, etc.
  6. Technological security control measures
    Installation of security software, password setting when sending files containing personal data, etc.

ECHONET will strive to keep personal data accurate and up to date within the scope necessary to achieve a utilization purpose, and to delete the personal data without delay when such utilization has become unnecessary. ECHONET will, in having our employees handle personal data, exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the employees so as to seek the security control of the personal data. ECHONET will, in case of entrusting a whole or part of the handling of personal data, exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over an entrusted person so as to seek the security control of the personal data of which the handling has been entrusted.

6. Restrictions on third party provision

ECHONET will, except in those cases set forth in the following, not provide personal data to a third party without obtaining in advance a principal’s consent.

  • cases based on laws and regulations
  • cases in which there is a need to protect a human life, body or fortune, and when it is difficult to obtain a principal’s consent
  • cases in which there is a special need to enhance public hygiene or promote fostering healthy children, and when it is difficult to obtain a principal’s consent
  • cases in which there is a need to cooperate in regard to a central government organization or a local government, or a person entrusted by them performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining a principal’s consent would interfere with the performance of the said affairs

ECHONET will, when having provided personal data to a third party, keep a record (hereinafter referred to as “third party provision record”) regarding matters prescribed by rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, pursuant to laws and regulations.

7. Disclosure, correction, etc.

ECHONET will, when having received a demand of the notification of the utilization purpose, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of utilization, elimination, suspension of provision to third parties, disclosure of third party provision record (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, correction, etc.”) of retained personal data ECHONET has, ECHONET will respond without delay pursuant to laws and regulations after confirming that the request is from the person himself. A fee of 800 yen will be charged for notification of the utilization purpose of retained personal data, disclosure of retained personal data, and disclosure of third party provision record. For procedures such as disclosure and correction of retained personal data, please contact the address written in 9 below.

8. Personal information handling business operator

Katsuhiko Hiramatsu
Representative Director, ECHONET Consortium
Shimbashi TS Bldg.
1-22-5 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003 JAPAN

9. Contact

If you have any opinions, questions regarding this privacy policy, complaints, consultation regarding the handling of personal information, disclosure, corrections, etc., please contact the following.

ECHONET Consortium secretariat
Shimbashi TS Bldg.
1-22-5 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-6205-4142

10. Revision

ECHONET reviews this privacy policy from time to time and may revise it.

May 9, 2022 Enacted
June 27, 2022 Revised
June 25, 2024 Revosed

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