About ECHONET Consortium

ECHONET Consortium

ECHONET Consortium is an organization that promotes Communication protocol “ECHONET Lite” for home appliances and housing facilities, which are essential elements of smart homes, to cooperate with each other.
We are standardizing the ECHONET Lite and promoting the spread of smart homes with support for commercialization of devices which support the ECHONET Lite standards and cooperation with related industries.
In addition to the ECHONET Lite standards, we also promote formulation of ECHONET Lite AIF specifications that regulate the behavior of devices and “ECHONET2.0” to contribute to the realization of a prosperous and sustainable society ”Society5.0” and SDGs by creating new added value.
ECHONET Consortium has about 260 managing and general members, their associate members, and academic members participated from the home appliances, electricity, electronics, energy, residential, and IT industries, as well as from academic and research fields. Its managing members are Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Sharp Corporation, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., and Toshiba Corporation.


Directors and Auditor

Representative Director:
Katsuhiko Hiramatsu  Panasonic Corporation
Managing director:
Kenji Shiraishi
Directors (alphabetically):
Akira Ishihara       Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hironori Nakata       Sharp Corporation
Takayuki Amatsu    Tokyo Electric Power Holdings, Inc.
Takeshi Saito       TOSHIBA Corporation
Nobuhiko Hatta       Lawyer


Advisory Fellows (alphabetically)

Dr. Masaki Umejima (Keio University Project Professor)
Dr. Masao Isshiki   (Kanagawa Institute of Technology Institute Professor)
Dr. Yasuo Tan    (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Vice President, Professor)


Organization chart


Introduction of each committee

Steering Committee
Chairperson Mr. Ren Sakata

The Steering Committee is engaged in a comprehensive range of activities to ensure the efficient and smooth operation of the ECHONET Consortium as a whole. Its responsibilities include planning, budget management, and administration of general assemblies and forums. It is also responsible for organizing each committee and working group and coordinate overall operation.

Technical Committee
Chairperson Mr. Takashi Murakami

The Technical Committee is engaged in the development and operation of specifications of ECHONET Lite and study of the interoperability including the conduct of Plug Fest as technical activities relating to the basic technology of equipment home network. It also formulates the ECHONET Lite Web API Guidelines, develops and operates the testing environment and tools for service development to follow when services use the ECHONET Lite devices.

Promotion Committee
Chairperson Mr. Masato Nagasawa

The Promotion Committee is engaged in public relations to promote further use of ECHONET Lite and ECHONET Lite Web API developed and standardized by the ECHONET Consortium. It is also involved in the conduct of seminars and symposium, and operation of the exhibiting at exhibitions. It is also working with other standardization organizations and conducting surveys in order to expand the spread of the ECHONET Lite Standard.




Dec. 1997
Voluntary organization ECHONET consortium founded
Jul. 2000
ECHONET standard Ver.1.00 released
Jun. 2006
ECHONET device object detailed standard was internationally standardized (IEC 62394)
May 2008
ECHONET communication middleware was internationally standardized (ISO/IEC 14543-4-1,2)
Dec. 2011
ECHONET Lite standard Ver.1.00 released
Feb. 2012
ECHONET Lite specifications were recommended as a publicly-known standard interface for HEMS
Apr. 2014
General Incorporated Association ECHONET consortium founded
Sep. 2015
ECHONET Lite communication middleware was internationally standardized (ISO/IEC 14543-4-3)
Apr. 2016
ECHONET Lite AIF third party certification system started operation
Dec. 2017
20th Aniersary
Oct. 2018
ECHONET Lite Web API guideline Ver.100 released
Jun. 2018
ECHONET2.0 vision was announced
Jun. 2020
AIF Specifications between home air conditioners and HEMS controllers were internationally standardized (ISO/IEC 14543-4-301)
Feb. 2022
New ECHONET 2.0 roadmap announced
Jul. 2022
ECHONET device object detailed standard (Release M) was internationally standardized (IEC 62394:2022)
Apr. 2023
AIF Specifications between storage batteries and HEMS controllers were internationally standardized (ISO/IEC 14543-4-302)


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