
Outline of the 4th Forum

The 4th Forum of the ECHONET Consortium was held at Seavans, Minato-ku, Tokyo on February 23, 2016. More than 118 people participated from METI as well as 64 Member Companies and exchanged technical information actively.

In this Forum, Mr. Kyuichiro Sano, Ministry of Economy gave presentations as invited speech.

Activity report of Steering Committee, Technical Committee and Promotion Committee were made by the ECHONET Consortium. 6 technical presentations and 9 product exhibitions were introduced by Members.

Also, a signing ceremony to transfer the AIF Test Tool, developed by Kanagawa Institute of Technology, to ECHONET Consortium was held to prepare for the AIF certification operation.

exhibitions were introduced by Members.

講演会場 経済産業省 佐野様のご講演


調印後の神奈川工科大学 小宮学長と平原代表理事 左から、一色教授、小宮学長、経済産業省 佐野様、 平原代表理事、児玉専務理事


The following contents were lectured.

  1. Technology introductions by Member companies
  2. Overview
  3. Steering Committee activity report
  4. ECHOENT Lite AIF Certification activity report
  5. Certification WG activity report
  6. Technical Committee report
  7. System Architecture WG (SAWG) activity report
  8. Smart EMS WG activity report
  9. Inter-operability WG activity report
  10. Promotion Committee activity report
  11. Exhibition SWG activity report
  12. Liaison Study WG activity report
  13. Publicity WG activity report
  14. Invited Speeches: Environmental Improvements to Achieve Smart House and the New Direction
  15. AIF Test Tool Transfer Ceremony: Endeavor and Expectation towards the AIF Certification
  16. AIF Test Tool Transfer Ceremony: Endeavor and Determination Down the Road


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