Household fuel cell (ENE-FARM) makes hydrogen from city gas, hydrogen reacts with oxygen in the air, and allows for power generation at home. Chemical reaction during power generation produce only water, and there is no waste and it is clean. In addition, the thermal energy generated during power generation accumulates hot water, and you can use it for hot water supply and the bath in the home.
As described above, ENE-FARM has excellent energy-saving performance (Panasonic estimates: energy utilization efficiency is about 95%), reduce utility costs, and realize earth-friendly environment. And it offers a new lifestyle. (Panasonic estimates: CO2 reduction is about 1.3t / year ).
Also, if you install the power outage option (sold separately), ENE-FARM can generate power during the power outage, and it will be able to supply the power required at home. Therefore, we can live in peace in the event of a disaster.