AIF Registration date for certification : 2022/03/03
AIF Certification Number: LZ-000198
(AIF Spec: EV Chager/Discharger Ver.1.20)
Appendix Version: Release K
- ENL Certification Number
- GZ-000670
- Model Number:ESS-T1S1V | ESS-T1*1V [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T1V | ESS-T2*1V [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T2V | ESS-T1*SV [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T1SV | ESS-T2*SV [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T2SV | ESS-T3V | ESS-T3VP | ESS-T3VPL | ESS-T3*1V [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3*1VP [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3*1VPL [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3SV | ESS-T3SVP | ESS-T3SVPL | ESS-T3*SV [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3*SVP [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3*SVPL [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3CKV | ESS-T3CKVP | ESS-T3CKVPL | ESS-T3*CKV [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3*CKVP [*: value to identify the battery capacity] | ESS-T3*CKVPL [*: value to identify the battery capacity]