FY2023 Announcements 2024.02.27 Announcement ForumReport 20th ECHONET Forum Report has been posted 2024.01.31 Announcement Update Booklet has been updated 2024.01.30 Announcement WebsiteUpdate ECHONET 2.0 page been updated 2024.01.23 Announcement Quarterly ReportRelease The activity report for the third quarter of FY2023 has been posted on our website 2023.10.25 Announcement Quarterly ReportRelease The activity report for the second quarter of FY2023 has been posted on our website 2023.10.11 Announcement Status ReportUpdate The certification acquisition status until the first half of FY2023 has been posted 2023.10.04 Announcement Update The ECHONET Lite leaflet has been revised 2023.08.23 Announcement Status ReportOther “Application Communication Interface Specifications between Storage Batteries and HEMS Controllers” has been published as an international standard 2023.07.24 Announcement ForumReport 19th ECHONET Forum Report has been posted 2023.07.18 Announcement Quarterly ReportRelease The activity report for the first quarter of FY2023 has been posted on our website 12> Past Announcements FY2024FY2023FY2022FY2021FY2020FY2019FY2018FY2017FY2016FY2015FY2014FY2013FY2012FY2011FY2010