Membership and qualification System

Main Merits of membership

  1. 1Members can review and comment on the ECHONET standard drafts.
    Members can also apply to add new device objects or change the properties of existing devices.
  2. 2Members can display their products and technologies and introduce them at forums, symposiums, and exhibitions.
  3. 3Members can participate in Plug Fest to conduct interoperability tests on their products with products and technologies from other members.
  4. 4Members who obtain certification can place the ECHONET, ECHONET Lite and ECHONET Ready and ECHONET Lite AIF trademarks on their products.
  5. 5Member can acquire the Member ID/Manufacturer code necessary to develop ECHONET Specification-compliant products.
  6. 6Members can use the ECHONET Lite Web API experimental cloud that supports service development for ECHONET Lite devices.

Membership and qualification

*Membership dues will be 3,500,000 yen for Managing members and 350,000 yen for General members from April 1, 2025.

*1 Managing members and General members can assign affiliated companies as associate members.
  Annual membership due for associate member is free and membership rights are the same as a general member.
*2 Annual membership dues are applied to all areas of the ECHONET Consortium’s operation and are excluded from taxation.
*3 Members can participate in proposals and WGs at the request of the upper committee.
*4 Necessary materials and information are provided by the ECHONET Consortium based on requests from the members.
*5 A site for posting use cases, questions and answers, etc. for the purpose of learning support for ECHONET Lite.

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