FY2014 Announcements (All) 2015.03.30 Member Announcement Standards / specificationsRelease Interface specifications and test specifications related to Eight Kinds of Priority Equipment for HEMS have been posted. --Members Only-- 2015.03.16 Member Announcement ForumInformation We published the contents of the 2nd ECHONET Forum held on March 2, 2015. --Members Only-- 2015.03.16 Announcement ForumRelease We published the contents of the 2nd ECHONET Forum held on March 2, 2015. 2015.03.02 Member Announcement ForumRelease The 2nd Forum Agenda and download file list --Members Only-- 2015.02.27 Announcement Standards / specificationsUpdate New English edition of ECHONET Lite Specification, APPENDIX has been updated. 2015.02.20 Announcement ExhibitionInformation Visit ECHONET Consortium booth of 5th ECO HOUSE & ECO BUILDING EXPO 2015.02.20 Member Announcement ExhibitionInformation Visit ECHONET Consortium booth of 5th ECO HOUSE & ECO BUILDING EXPO --Members Only-- 2015.02.18 Member Announcement ForumInformation 2014 Second Forum of ECHONET Consortium will be held. --Members Only-- 2015.01.15 Member Announcement PlugfestInformation 2014 Fourth ECHONET Plugfest in Tokyo --Members Only-- 2015.01.15 Announcement PlugfestInformation Announcement of 2014 Fourth ECHONET Plugfest in Tokyo 12345> Past Announcements (All) FY2024FY2023FY2022FY2021FY2020FY2019FY2018FY2017FY2016FY2015FY2014FY2013FY2012FY2011FY2010