FY2020 Announcements (All) 2021.03.31 Member Announcement Standards / specificationsRecruitment Call for proposals for ECHONET Device Objects --Members Only-- 2021.02.26 Member Announcement ForumInformation Distribution of 14th ECHONET Forum videos started --Members Only-- 2021.02.09 Announcement Exhibition Introduction of ECHONET Consortium by Mr. Asahi followed by an interview with him was posted on the Enlit Europe website 2021.01.29 Member Announcement Forum Announcement of the 14th ECHONET Forum --Members Only-- 2021.01.26 Announcement Quarterly ReportRelease The activity report for the third quarter of FY2020 has been posted on our website. 2021.01.12 Announcement ExhibitionInformation Announcement of exhibiting at CES2021 2020.10.20 Announcement Quarterly ReportRelease The activity report for the second quarter of FY2020 has been posted on our website. 2020.10.12 Announcement Status ReportRelease The acquisition status of ECHONET Lite specification and AIF specification conformity certification up to the first half of fiscal 2020 has been posted 2020.09.30 Member Announcement Standards / specificationsRecruitment Call for proposals for ECHONET Device Objects Release O --Members Only-- 2020.08.04 Announcement Quarterly ReportRelease The activity status report for the first quarter of FY2020 (April. to June 2020) was posted on our website. 123> Past Announcements (All) FY2024FY2023FY2022FY2021FY2020FY2019FY2018FY2017FY2016FY2015FY2014FY2013FY2012FY2011FY2010